news & updates

There’s No Such Thing as Bad Weather
Miss Fallyn Miss Fallyn

There’s No Such Thing as Bad Weather

We love getting these kids outside as much as we can! Being outside helps boost our vitamin levels, promote heathy habits, and helps them get better sleep. Getting them outside allows them to experience weather changes, learn about why it happens, and it brings them closer to nature. There are also opportunities for messy play - which you know we love! Whether it’s getting to jump in puddles, play in snow, feel crunchy leaves, or plant in the garden. All of these activities involve hands-on sensory experience…

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The Benefits of Messy Play
Miss Fallyn Miss Fallyn

The Benefits of Messy Play

“Messy play, closely related to sensory play, refers to activities where students engage freely with different materials. This approach steps away from traditional structured learning, allowing learners to lead their exploration and interact with a variety of textures and substances. It's a vital educational tool that supports creativity, problem-solving, and a range of other skills in a student's learning journey.”

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Open-Ended Art
Miss Fallyn Miss Fallyn

Open-Ended Art

As we get closer to the new school year, I am excited to say that this year I can fully immerse myself in the curriculum. This means implementing some fun new ideas and being there to help every step of the way. This year I would really like to implement more open-ended activities. This includes open ended art and open ended sensory and explorative play…

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