Finding a good childcare option near Minisink, NY, requires an investment of time. Your child deserves a warm, nurturing environment where he or she will feel safe and secure and will be challenged to grow and learn.
At New Wonders Learning Center in Minisink, we welcome you and your family into ours.
Your child is a unique individual, with his or her own interests, strengths and challenges. Our program has been designed to meet each child where they're at emotionally, cognitively and developmentally.
Minisink Childcare Programs
Children who attend our daycare center are encouraged to become creative thinkers. They love to learn and develop empathy and respect for others.
Through child led exploration and engagement based on each child's interests, children become invested in their own learning. Because they're following after their natural curiosity, children begin to equate learning with fun, leading to a lifetime love of learning.
Children who attend New Wonders Learning Center in Minisink will:
- improve their ability to communicate
- learn to solve problems
- practice interpersonal social skills
- harness their unique creative skills
Activities include:
- learning centers
- many opportunities for movement
- reading
- story time
- creative dramatization
Our classrooms
Infants (6 weeks to 18 months)
The infant program provides a warm, nurturing and safe environment where children receive the consistency and trust needed to help them form emotional bonds that are so crucial for their development.
Children in this room will:
- play with age appropriate toys and classroom equipment designed to stimulate their cognitive, emotional and developmental growth.
- sing, read, play and have fun
Caregivers attend to each child's individualized schedule for bottle feeding, eating, diaper changing and naptime. If needed, time for breast feeding is also included in the schedule.
Parents/guardians are given a "Daily Gram" that details their child's day, which includes sleeping and eating patterns and any other necessary information that relates to his or her day.
Toddlers (18 months to 2.9 years)
A child at this stage of growth is rapidly learning everything they can about the world they live in.Toddlers at New Wonders Learning Center, we encourage their natural curiosity and creativity, guiding them into learning those skills that are necessary for healthy cognitive, emotional and physical development.
Children in this room will:
- practice manners and interpersonal skills as they engage in exploratory play and creative dramatization
- develop tools for conflict resolution
- learn how to constructively express their emotions
- grow their verbal skills
- engage in sensory hands-on activities that help with fine motor skill development
Activities include:
- story time
- circle time
- reading
- dancing and singing
- playing musical instruments
- yoga
- outside playground time (helps develop gross motor skills and strengthening)
Preschool (2.9 to 3 years)
Preschoolers continue to expand their vocabularies, critical thinking and problem solving skills through a combination of teacher and student directed learning that is modified to meet the needs of each child.
Weekly thematic lesson plans and daily projects are provided in the following subject areas:
- math
- social studies
- science
- literacy/English Language Arts
- art
- blocks/cars
- dramatic play
- sensory tables
- sign language
Pre-K (4 to 5 years)
Kindergarten readiness is the focus of the pre-kindergarten program.
In this classroom, educational concepts align to the NYS Common CORE standards and include:
- a focus on literacy
- speaking/listening
- increase in their vocabulary
- science
- social studies
- math
As with all of our classes, teachers meet each child where they're at in terms of their cognitive, emotional and developmental level, to ensure they reach their fullest potential.
Other services
- homework help
- arts and crafts
- outdoor/indoor activities
- fun for school aged kids